Saturday Evening Post

Limerick Laughs


The Saturday Evening Post has a limerick contest every two months. I will post my entries once the judging is done and the results have been announced.



September / October 2010

We believed that the back door was shut

That was holding in Daisy, our mutt.

But the dog got away

And she found our buffet.

We were saved by our town’s Pizza Hut.



November / December 2010

Jane’s employed in the teaching profession.

On the first day that school was in session

A young girl, full of fright,

Grabbed her mother so tight

She was sure that she’d leave an impression.



January / February, 2011

“That new medicine’s awful!” groaned Rick.

Showing Dad really likes it’s Mom’s trick.

But Dad thought with a frown

As he choked a spoon down

That his wife is the one who is sick.



March / April, 2011 - and - May / June, 2011

Winner will be announced in May/June 2011 issue