Picking passwords, I use my maturity
So my data's not hacked to obscurity.
Since my password's so long,
They believe that it's wrong.
My old password was CYBERSEC...
Check out systems? I've got a huge itch!
What I saw caused my mem'ry to twitch.
I recalled, oh, so fast
What I saw in the past,
'Cause this fish sure knows which switch is which.
"The enhancements don't work!" he would whine.
Just install what I sent. They work fine!
Tons of words he would spurt
'Cause his feelings were hurt.
He had no problem going for mine...
No rechargeables? That was quite jolting.
Someone stole them and then took off bolting.
Our recorder won't work
Due to this thoughtless jerk!
What could I call this issue? Re-volting!
Since her PC appeared to be suffering,
She unplugged some to help stop the "buffering."
It's not Netflix, you know!
It's your CPU's slow!
But believe me? She thought I was bluffering!