August 3 - 7, 2015

August 7, 2015 - Why ARE those IT guys so slow, anyway?

While I'm out at a retailer's site,
Getting papers filled out was a fight.
'Tween the fix and the stress
Of the corp'rate bee-ess
You could say that their guess was just right.

August 6, 2015 - Because every workaround has a workaround...

Yes, that guy was an awfully sly creature
When he used my cool "workaround" feature.
But a secret I kept:
Logs will catch the inept!
Dude, you don't try to outwit the teacher!

August 5, 2015 - Software acquisition -- the hard way

We make tires of all sizes and classes.
There's a help system need for the masses.
A new system we'll write -
The thing's clunky, all right,
And it also must cover our assets.

August 4, 2015 - You don't drink coffee before you brew it, do you?

"I've a poem 'bout this story," I boasted!
"'It's a doozie! That guy, I sure roasted!
It was done on a whim -
I will be just like him:
First delete it, and then I will post it."

August 3, 2015 - Not fired, just shifted to a new position

My darned card won't work. Is my fate grim?
Naw, just cracked from a wallet un-slim.
My new card I have got
In my center-fold slot -
Not the centerfold oft used by JIM.