March 16 - 20, 2015

March 20, 2015 - Probably someone too young to have ever used a fax

Fax won't work! We don't know what it is.
It confused every expert and whiz.
Answers after five rings?
It was one of those things.
We've got voice mails that buzz, hum and hiss.

March 19, 2015 - Why don't they just DESIGN those buttons that way?

This new job, I am going to keep!
Talent needed is not very deep.
Watching printers? A snap!
I think I'll take a nap!
Who will know if..


March 18, 2015 - Success, redefined

It's a problem to be a go-getter
When development's just a big fetter.
They can't sync? Should you fix it?
Next time, maybe nix it,
And then your review will be better.

March 17, 2015 - And all this was on speaker phone, naturally?

When the CIO spoke so objectory,
Things had taken a freaky trajectory.
"It is AD we use."
Yet the guy's still confused.
"Hey, Our LDAP is Active Directory."

Limerick for St. Patrick's Day

In our years in computing and bi'ness,
There are times we think all are agin' us.
After work, folks will say
On this St. Patty's Day,
"Let's go down to the pub for some Guinness!"

March 16, 2015 - You're, um, very very very very very very welcome

What the message said caused me to blink.
"We must make sure our rep doesn't stink.
Finish tickets each day.
You must do things my way
Thank you. [Boss Name] from Company, Inc.
Thank you. [Boss Name] from Company, Inc.
Thank you. [Boss Name] from Company, Inc.
Thank you. [Boss Name] from Company, Inc."