October 20 - 24, 2014

October 24, 2014 - Because what could possibly go wrong?

There's no power? The boss didn't care.
We've got batteries! Aren't you aware?
"Now I hate to sound brash,
But we're risking a crash!"
We shut down with a minute to spare.

October 23, 2014 - Need to know? Yeah, actually, we do

There's installs to be done, but who planned 'em?
Both the DOS and my system in tandem?
"There's no SORT!" the fish cursed.
"Shouldn't DOS be done first?"
The school's guy? I'll bet JIM would have canned 'im.

October 22, 2014 - How to save money in IT, bright ideas edition

There's a plan that I want to debunk.
What the suits wanted done really stunk.
What that firm wants, I'd tell,
Is some gear to resell.
They won't pay us to haul off our junk.

October 21, 2014 - There IS such a thing as too-fast delivery

That new CAT5 was what was required,
But one run just won't work as desired.
In a building that vast,
Runs so far and so fast
Causes data to get way too tired.

October 20, 2014 - Priorities

There's an access point needing a fix.
And their phones? They are too in the mix.
But we heard them all moan,
"We can live with no phone,
But need JIM's motivational flicks!"