August 26 - 30, 2013

August 30, 2013 - Going through the firewall isn't USUALLY faster

Did the customer balk at our bill?
What they did, through my spine sent a chill.
In the firewall, their goal
Was to make a big hole,
And they did that by using a drill.

August 29, 2013 - The real question is, did it work?

"This here heater's in use," said the user,
"'Cause it says there's a really cold fuser."
Techies know that they're hot,
But this user did not,
And that message would only confuse her.

August 28, 2013 - Can you hear me now?

What I heard from my office workstation:
"Thanks for coming to my presentation.
These new changes are slick!
What we've done is just click

August 27, 2013 - But please, tell us what you REALLY think

It's a fact in the web hosting wars
That providers are changed out by scores.
Now the old one's not grand
When that password's "#sand"
But at least it's not set at "^yours".

August 26, 2013 - But that was at the BOTTOM of the instructions!

Sometimes users deserve to be cursed:
Got no web? Here's the steps we've rehearsed.
From not printing our list
You can't give an assist?
Maybe we should have put that step first...