There's this printout that's really quite long.
It's a "numbers report?" Boy, that's wrong!
Why'd they get it? I'm stumped,
It is only a dump
Which is where it should go all along.
As I thought of this
story, I knew
That my brain couldn't be that askew.
I Binged "Numbers Report"
Then I said with a snort
"Could it be what you call deja vu?"
"There's a problem. Please quickly come o'er!
There's no power!" Of that fact she swore.
What was making her flip?
It's her poor power strip.
Maybe she should try op'ning her door...
As the iSeries admin, I'm great.
There's a name change. I cannot be late.
For my server, you'll know
You are ready to go.
Other logins? You may have to wait.
There's a message I should not be seein',
So I phoned and I asked them for Ian.
First support said, "Oh, CARP!"
But he seemed really sharp.
I love small firms. You know what I mian?
Hey, Exchange! We will just have to train 'ya.
It's a town! We're not trying to strain ya.
Don't give senders the blame,
It's an odd choice of name
Like that Amish town in Pennsylvania.