February 4 - 8, 2013

February 8, 2013 - Why we love password policies

What's his password? The guy didn't know.
I'll reset it. He's ready to go!
But the fellow mistook
How apostrophes look.
Well, he's close, but there's no dot below.

February 7, 2013 - Who were we gonna ask, him?

I had thought to myself, “Man, oh man!
I am not part of purchasing’s plan,
Since for me, it’s a sin
To let new users in,
But I okay the people who can?”

February 6, 2013 - But probably not

List is gone? That's a big sticky wicket.
She should enter a new help desk ticket.
But she's got in her head
To call my phone instead.
Use the new way? She'll tell them to stick it!

February 5, 2013 - It's a re-something button, anyhow

First they called and said something's amiss,
Pushed a button, which brought them much bliss.
That was somewhat deranged,
But it wasn't as strange
As that GoDaddy Super Bowl kiss.

February 4, 2013 - It just can't recognize her from that far away

The assistant had called us to whine.
“That new voice recognition’s like swine!”
She was full of baloney.
At home it’s a phony.
At work, that new system works fine.