January 28 - February 1, 2013

February 1, 2013 - Testing, testing

After trying out one of our clones,
"Your darned CDs don't work!" the guy moans.
What he's trying to test
Is his Earthlink, I guess,
Not the PCs the library owns.

January 31, 2013 - Aha!

Said my boss with his usual charm,
"This keeps locking - what's causing this harm?"
As I watched, I thought, "Please!
When he fat fingers keys,
He is using his whole bloody arm!"

January 30, 2013 - This call may be recorded for, well, just in case

Conversations on phones we're retaining.
We will use them on some days for training.
There are some that will hold
If proposals are sold
or what somebody's shorts are containing.

January 29, 2013 - Looks like the boss won't stand for this

Morning meetings? Some say they’re the worst!
Can their view of this time be reversed?
There are some who will say
You bring donuts each day.
Soon they’re breaking down doors to be first.

January 28, 2013 - No, but we won't bill you for the earache either

Let me tell you, sir, you must relax!
I am tired of these phoned in attacks!
Change that three to a two
To get documents through.
We don't pay for misdials. That's the fax!