October 8 - 12, 2012

October 12, 2012 - Whose fault is it anyway?

The new user said something’s amiss.
All the techies thought I was remiss.
They said I was a jerk
Since her login won’t work.

October 11, 2012 - Basement. Computer. Water pipes. Raised floor? Nope

For the fish, I sure feel lots of pity.
When they moved to new digs in the city,
Mini’s stuck on the floor?
There’s a flood? I am sure
When it fried, you would say it looked pretty!

October 10, 2012 - They just don't make 'em like they used to

It’s a lesson I needed to teach:
“PC’s live in an office!” I’d preach.
“They don’t work very well
Filled with NaCl,
And do not think that life is a beach!”

October 9, 2012 - Because users love having the latest version

Sometimes users will have us all hopping.
Here's a call you would have trouble topping.
What is malware? At most
It turns PC's to toast,
Not a way you can do on-line shopping.

October 8, 2012 - But now I have a bigger checklist!

Said the users, “There’s something not right!
For my screen, it’s as dark as the night!”
Fix by twisting a knob
Is just part of the job.
Seems the screens were not all that weren’t bright.