April 23 - 27, 2012

April 27, 2012 - Aha!

When the RF waves went by the master,
Things went quicker – potential disaster!
There’s some boss with a plan: he’ll
Configure that panel
To make certain people work faster.

April 26, 2012 - Pretty sure that's a Microsoft trademark, right?

She caused tension you cut with a knife.
All the anger she gave me was rife.
What I thought could be causative:
“Integers positive
Have sunny outlooks on life!”

But I said, “It’s a term used by all:
Over zero, both massive and small.”
I’m not telling you lies,
Soon we got a surprise:
We got billed for her time on the call.

April 25, 2012 - Somebody's unclear on a whole lot of concepts

When the UPS beeped, what it said
With its noise and its light flashing red
Is there’s power denied,
Since the batt’ry inside
Is what most folks would simply call dead.

They’re all nuts, and I’m being quite frank
And their thinking was really quite rank.
Seems to me that they swore
That the beeping’s no more
Than a pricey Annoy-a-tron prank.

April 24, 2012 - Spreading the, um, joy

That gal's mother had one of those days.
Dropped her phone in the john! She's amazed.
So she gave her advice.
But she soaked it in rice,
Now is “Chopsticks” the ringtone it plays?

April 23, 2012 - Looks like they took it back

There’s a co-worker feeling bereft.
Seems his wireless spot just up and left.
Once he got it quite strong.
Now what’s he doing wrong?
I believe it’s a thing they call theft.