August 22 - 26, 2011

August 26, 2011 - Why we love vendor tech support

When my server on Saturday failed,
“A reformat?!?” I’m sure my face paled.
He must think it’s a joke.
He can’t fax me a Coke.
Things like soda have got to be mailed.

August 25, 2011 - A little knowledge -- as little as possible

‘Bout this suit, I’m exclaiming, “What gives?
When there’s tech stuff, his mind’s like a sieve!
What’s his email address?
He cannot even guess.
It’s a wonder he knows where he lives!”

August 24, 2011 - Sometimes one cook is too many

OMG! It’s a bit of a shocker!
Who is being the big web site blocker?
We then say that we can’t
Be a part of her rant.
I believe that her name’s Betty Crocker!

August 23, 2011 - Aha!

Was the RAID array’s drive really shot?
Would these new drives work? No, they would not!
What would bring it afloat?
I had noted a note
That was stuck in the back of the slot.

August 22, 2011 - Tight loop

All the trader’s fears I can’t allay.
At the PC they guy will not stay.
There’s a much bigger kook.
He is at Duke and Duke
Buying all of the FCOJ.