There’s a bug that I’ve prev’ously seen.
Only this time it’s come back so mean.
It’s the net? That’s just fine.
Since March, 2009,
This makes Shark Tank’s “Aha!” count 13!
Fixing PC’s that level-one’s biz.
I received from that techie a quiz.
There’s no if’s, and’s or but’s:
After swapping its guts,
That old box runs like new ‘cause it is!
This new problem would play with my psyche.
What was making the power so spiky?
A device in the kitchen
Caused all kinds of bitchin’
And made me so loudly shout,“Crikey!”
Said the tech dressed in bright polyester,
Going into the basement distressed her.
Upgrade’s done? She said, “Cool!
I won’t see any ghoul!”
Does she think that my name’s Uncle Fester?
The poor user received quite a scare.
Laptop’s typing when no one was there!
I expected the worst.
Could that PC be cursed
Showing movies that starred Linda Blair?