“Check my keyboard.” The CEO fears
He’s in deep as the board meeting nears.
Is this barley I smell?
Yes, I know it too well.
I replaced it and earned many “Cheers.”
There’s a vendor whose quote we explore.
For the services line, we implore,
“What does that line include?”
They replied back, “Yo, dude!
If we told you, we’d have to charge more!”
“We won’t use it!” The southwest group wails.
Then we found what conversion entails.
Client list? They had four.
It’s test data, I’m sure.
No, it’s not? They need help down in sales.
In our users, there sure are all types.
“The darned video’s messed up,” one gripes.
Why is she so uptight?
All the colors aren’t right
And the tiger has lost all his stripes.
"It's not working!" I heard the suit harp.
"It's all blue, and it looks just like carp!"
What would cause such a spector?
A second projector.
Executives sometimes aren't Sharp.