In updating each email setting,
With the manager’s test, there’s no sweating.
Sure, he meant to confirm,
But weeks later we squirm.
Makes me wonder what tests he was getting…
Once a manager said to me, “Golly gee!
There’s a problem with this new technology.
Semicolons translate
Over one twenty-eight.
Should we call someone good in proctology?”
In a Hummer, we drove ‘round a fobbit
When the “enemy” wanted to mob it.
Through an “insurgent’s” boom,
He avoided the doom
Of returning home like John Wayne Bobbitt.
A new user received his new box.
A week later, he knocked off my socks.
“Please don’t play with the switch,”
I had said in my pitch,
“There’s less risk of electrical shocks.”
Though they only go in at one angle,
All his PS/2 plugs got quite mangled.
“These darned plugs won’t go in!
So I’ll try them again!”
Some don't work well with stuff that’s new-fangled.
“Send a picture so we can all use it.
Please use Fedex. Our bosses all choose it.”
Can I ask, “What’s the fate
Of the Post Office state
If our government also eschews it?”