September 28 - October 2, 2009

October 2, 2009 - Apparently, one picture is worth a lot more words these days

Since the images only got scaled,
The firm newsletter’s sent out emailed.
The web host was like Scrooge.
“The darned thing’s just too huge!”
And the uploading processing failed.

Since the editor went with his urge
Of mass mail, we were on the verge
Of a disk space emergency.
I ran with urgency
Microsoft’s download ExMerge.

October 1, 2009 - Unclear on the concept

In her call to the internet hot shot,
She complained that the web she has not got.
She should jump in her car
And go visit a Star-
Bucks and use the facility’s hot spot.

September 30, 2009 - This could take a while

In my role as department call taker,
Sometimes management’s quite a ball breaker.
“Write up issues with gear,
Both the small and severe,
Not omitting their dead coffee maker.”

September 29, 2009 - More: not always better

This one manager would not adapt,
So his drives were not properly mapped.
Though his password and ID
Were entered so tidy,
His enter key got doubly rapped.

September 28, 2009 - But it was about sending passwords, right?

In describing a known phishing scam,
I had sent an example of spam.
I believed it was prudent,
But some clueless students
Sent passwords who fell for the sham.

But these students I will not malign,
Since their qualifications do shine.
There are times there are some
You could really call dumb.
As Bill Engvall would say, “Here’s your sign…”