August 24 - 28, 2009

August 28, 2009 - Trial by error

Though high standards we try to embody,
We’ve a tech whose work can be quite shoddy.
Make a registry edit?
Oh, no? She will dread it.
Did she get the job with her résumé?

August 27, 2009 - Welcome back

When we turned on the card-reader locks,
The employees were treated to shocks.
All the doors that they used
Came back "Access Refused"
Since the setup, their entry it blocks.

The employees all wanted my throat.
"I just did what was put on this note!"
The vice-president flipped.
"This is not in my script!"
So I wound up becoming the goat.

It is problems like this I abhor.
When I'm stuck 'cause the VP's a boor.
Would his conscience be jarred
If I programmed his card
To be blocked at each card reading door?

Believe it or not, this one got caught by the spam filter. In the words of the wise and talented Nancy Kerrigan, "WHY!?!?!? WHY!?!?!?!"

August 26, 2009 - Motivation

In an FTP upgrading push,
This one leader’s a pain in the tush.
Every time, he’ll condemn
All except 1 AM.
One could say that his attitude’s bush.

I’m addressing his scheduling rift:
“I need reps to test. Follow my drift?”
He replied to me, “Wait…
How ‘bout Sunday at eight?
It’s sure better than working third shift.”

August 25, 2009 - Some things you just can't fake

It will look like a drive. I’m no liar
If to write DVD’s you desire.
You would think they’d be brighter.
It’s not like a lighter
That’s used to set data on fire.

August 24, 2009 - Timing is everything

All the managers thought it was funny
And the mood of the meeting got sunny
When I demoed the filter
That was out of kilter
And showed us a tie-wearing bunny.