Joke's on You - Tim's Picks


TIM'S PICK(S) My picks don't necessarily mean what should have won, or gotten a runner-up, it's just to spotlight what I think are good but over-looked captions.
That buzzing isn't in your hard drive, it's you.
Ken Sheldon, Elon


TIM'S PICK(S) My picks don't necessarily mean what should have won, or gotten a runner-up, it's just to spotlight what I think are good but over-looked captions.

Well, we met in some dark alley...
Ken Sheldon, Elon


TIM’S PICK(S) My picks don’t necessarily mean what should have won, or gotten a runner-up, it’s just to spotlight what I think are good but over-looked captions. Some captions kinda ignored the whole “Friday the 13th” angle and just concentrated on the injuries – this caption probably most fully embraces the Friday the 13th vibe (see my caption below)

...and this all happened when you peeled the September 12th page off the calendar?
Ken Sheldon, Elon


Sometimes, I come up with a caption no one else does. When that happens, I’ll post it here.

“All this from a paper-cut you got when you changed the calendar?”


TIM’S PICK(S) My picks don’t mean what should have won, or gotten a runner-up, it’s just to spotlight what I think are good but over-looked captions.

I hate it when they invite the Cicadas!
Ken Sheldon, Elon


TIM’S PICK(S) My picks don’t mean what should have won, or gotten a runner-up, it’s just to spotlight what I think are good but over-looked captions. There were a lot of good ones this week – here are just a few more.

Does Amazon sell fig leaves?

Ken Sheldon, Elon


TIM’S PICK(S) My picks don’t mean what should have won, or gotten a runner-up, it’s just to spotlight what I think are good but over-looked captions. OK, this was much too long to actually enter it for consideration to win, but I did enjoy the originality and goofiness of it.

A Tale of Two Cities, by Charles Dickens. Chapter One. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
Ken Sheldon, Elon


TIM’S PICK(S) My picks don’t mean what should have won, or gotten a runner-up, it’s just to spotlight what I think are good but over-looked captions.

Yup, this year I'm only barking up the right trees.
Ken Sheldon, Elon


Tough one this week – LOTS of good captions. Here are some I liked that didn’t get votes.

I hear "Esc" got away again.
Ken Sheldon, Elon